Mitigation /mit-i-ga-tion/
The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
Restoration / rest-to-ra-tion /
The act of restoring (bringing back to or putting back into a former or original state) or being restored.
Also: reconstruction | put-back | renew
The act of restoring (bringing back to or putting back into a former or original state) or being restored.
Also: reconstruction | put-back | renew
When your home or business sustains damage, the first step to recovery is preventing further damage. Once that is accomplished, Continuum Restoration evaluates the situation and proposes solutions to restore or reconstruct the damaged property to full function again. We offer a full range of services designed to address and repair everything from fire damage to mold, from a sewage leak to flooding. But we don’t just fix what’s broken — we work with you to make you whole again. Rebuilding and construction are an opportunity to even consider upgrades, so that the final result of the recovery process is one you can be proud of.
Continuum Restoration is there for you when things are at their worst.
your life, continued.





Specialty Cleaning